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The Wedding People Virtual Chat

September 28 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

B2b-live: The Wedding People Virtual Chat


Event link will be made available on the day of the event.

*This is a live Zoom event in which our book club members engage and interact in our book discussions.

**This is an all-female book club



Purchase your book club box by visiting https://www.trinityeliteeducation.com/ggsbookclub

Or purchase a copy of the book by visiting

O ur Amazon Storefront



1. By joining our book club and/or chat, you give consent to be recorded in our live sessions. Recorded sessions will be shared and may be used for future projects under development.

2. Any photos taken by the host during our recorded sessions may be used for promotional purposes (social media, newsletters, etc.)

3. Trinity Elite Education & Co. is a family-based company that supports providing a positive and safe space for all its community members. The company, owner, and lead host reserves the right to remove any member from the book club and/or chat who does not comply in supporting this vision and its community members.